Everyone wants to repair or replace damaged foundations, but they don’t want it to take any time. Keeping the kind of schedule the owner is expecting is critical to your project. However, doing that with conventional materials and methods is basically impossible. In the past, the only option was for the owner to wait for conventional concrete to gain strength. In most cases, they can’t wait the full cure time. So, those foundations hardly ever last as long as they’d hoped.
As the contractor, you want to give your customer other options that could exceed their expectations on time and performance. You’re in luck. There are many options available for the repair and replacement for concrete that don’t require the traditional cure times you’ve had to schedule around in the past. Most of these materials are specially designed for the kind of tough applications you see on every project, so they can hold up even in the harshest environments.
There are a wide range of concrete like materials that won’t require you to change your methods of forming and placement. So, there’s no real learning curve for your labor to negotiate. Most of these substitute products gain strength faster and end up more durable than convention concrete.
You can also use materials based on polymer materials that can make the repair and protection of the foundation happen in just a single step. Give us a call when you are planning your next project and let us walk you through some options that may save you and your customer time and labor on your future projects.
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