Indcon Inc. Indcon Supply Stratarock Industrial

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Traditional grouting has long been a labor intensive task that most people don’t look forward  to doing. While its clear that grouting is a crucial step in the installation process, it doesn’t always get the same attention as other steps in the installation process. However, it has to be done well in order for the total installation to be successful at attaining or exceeding the life expectancy of the installed equipment.

It doesn’t help that many times, the grouting is in question. It’s a task that always seems to be a point of contention between parties during a project. It comes as the last step prior to major process installations or just prior to start-up.  Everyone seems to be holding their breath waiting on the results from QC or 3rd party inspectors. So how do we grout equipment to get the very best chance of success?

Because, making any task easier means it’s more likely to be done right, we need to make the work of  grouting easier. It is essential that grouting not be something that is reviled and avoided.

You already know about the benefits of pumping for the contractor like:

  • Drastically reduces time and labor
  • Less mess on and around the equipment
  • Moves harmful dust away from an enclosed work area

But, how do we make the end result the best possible outcome for everyone. The best outcome here is as close to 100% bearing surface achieved after grouting. This is the desired outcome for the owner’s reps and the contractor because it means a better, longer lasting installation.

Traditional grouting techniques have proven to be effective over many years. However, there are always the questions like, “Shouldn’t you be using a head box?” or  “ How do we know the pocket is full?”. Pumping is a way to demonstrate the total filling of the pocket and the complete purging of any air under the plate.

Pumping puts the grout closer to where it should end up. It allows for you to grout from the center out eliminating grout travel down the side of a plate where it could trap air. It eliminates the chances of a “gulp” of air introduced when pouring through holes in the plate. It also uses the fluid properties of the grout to “push” air out in stead of trying to agitate air pockets out by banding methods.

The pumping process has lots to offer on any size grouting job. Sure it’s easy to see the benefits when you’re looking at the prospect of pouring hundreds of cubic feet. But, even smaller applications can benefit from pumping with low cost units and expanded availability of rental pumps.

So, give some thought to the benefits of pumping for your next grouting or concrete repair project.

Call to talk to someone about pumping equipment for your next grouting project that might help you cut costs, time and deliver a better installation for your client.

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